

How To Make A Cat Behave

Some people think you can’t teach a cat to behave. Nonsense. You can teach a cat to do just about anything. Okay, so maybe not to take a walk on a leash or fetch the newspaper, but that’s only because…

From Cat Stevens To Yusuf

Born Steven Demetre Georgiou in 1948, the singer and songwriter now known as Yusuf first came to fame as Cat Stevens in 1966 after signing a contract with Decca Records. His first song was a minor hit “I Love My…

What To Do When Cats Have Kittens

Most house cats deliver their kittens without problems, but knowing what is normal will help you be prepared if things go wrong. Pregnancy The gestation period in a cat is roughly 62-65 days. Sadly, most people do not know when…

Well Behaved Cat: Dream Or Reality?

Ever had problems with an aggressive and/or misbehaving cat? If the answer is yes, this collection of tips just might save you a few bite and scratch marks, and a lot of headaches. Cats can be trained too. Just not…

What My Cats Have To Say

The Learning Curve When I first got my two cats, I did so with some trepidation because I just knew they’d probably tear up our furniture. My doubts about it were soon born out, and our stuffed furniture now looks…