How To Understand Your Cat’s Body Language and Sounds

Cats are enigmatic creatures. They sit in your lap every time you sit down one day, and the next you have to make an appointment to visit them. But it’s those human-like characteristics that we adore in our polished felines. And, just like with us, we can read cats’ moods by analyzing their body language and sounds.

Six Ways Your Cat Communicates With You Through Body Language

  1. Raise and lower head: someone is coming too close.
  2. Closes his eyes almost completely, turns his ears to the side, and begins purring: having a good time
  3. Raise your ears, turn them back, and contract your pupils: caution to be cautious
  4. Despite the light, pupils dilate: something startled you
  5. Points ears and widens eyes: ready to go
  6. Lays back the ears, closes the eyes halfway, and turns the head away: They have no intention of harming their companion and want the same consideration.

Cat Chat 101

Did you know that the closer a cat gets to their human, the more vocal they become? And, as you grow to know your cat, you’ll improve your knowledge of their language, much as a parent can tell a hungry scream from a dirty diaper cry. Interesting fact: Dr. Michael Fox, an English behavioral scientist, discovered 16 different sounds in a cat’s language. But don’t worry, he’s made it simple for us by categorizing them into three groups:

  1. Talkative Sounds: A happy “meow” or a thrilled purr indicates that your cat is content with themselves, the world, and their human. Cats purr only in certain situations, such as when they go to the vet, since they are helpless and want to soothe themselves.
  2. Calling Sounds: Your cat is requesting something, such as “Open the door!” or “Feed me!”
  3. Sounds of Excitement: A ferocious “krrr” (when they’re scared), a hiss “ch-ch-krrr,” or harsh screeching are all signs that they’re preparing to battle.

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