日本郵便 Package 追跡

日本郵便 Package 追跡 Package Tracking

★ 3.8 · 3.1k 投票数
+81 0570-046-111

Tracking Number Formats

最も一般的な追跡番号の形式は、13個のアルファベットと数字の組み合わせで、通常は2個のアルファベットで始まり、9桁の数字が続き、「JP」で終わります(EA 999 999 999 JPなど)。 他のあまり一般的でないフォーマットも存在する可能性があります。

Customer Service

If you have any question regarding the delivery process of a package, call 010-64656790/91/92/93.

What is the reason for no tracking records?

The most common cause of no tracking records is incorrectly typed tracking number. It is advised to check with the sender if you are not sure what the number is. Besides, it takes some time for a new package to show up in the system.

What are the hours of delivery?

It is advised to check with local office for accurate results, because the hours of delivery vary by product and location.